The Brownwood Foundation for Excellence met in a re-organizational meeting of the new board members on January 15, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. The current board members include: Adam Lancaster, Jennifer Williams, Brad Wells, Mike Smith, Eric Evans, Missi Malone, Johnny Dodds, Peter Romig, Michael Coppic, Jenny Swanzy, Julia Taylor, Larry Mathis, Ashley Chilcote, Jamie Munson, Julie Moore, Shawntay Sparks-Hubbard, Christy Barron, Mona Pitts, Ray Tipton, and Priscilla Monson. Ex-Officio members include: Dr. Reece Blincoe, Charlie Musgrove, and Karen Dempsey. The board discussed reviewing the bylaws, and proceeded with a vote to elect the following new officers: President - Adam Lancaster V. President - Michael Coppic 2nd V. President - Brad Wells Treasurer - Eric Evans Secretary - Jennifer Williams The next full meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 17th. Comments are closed.
December 2024